Bike map of Őrség and Alpokalja
Őrség and Alpokalja, as well as their immediate surroundings, are the westernmost landscape of the country. The big cities are of particular importance: the county seat, rich in monuments, Szombathely; the beautiful small town Kőszeg, which boasts historical monuments, the country's westernmost town Szentgotthárd, or the former seat of the Batthyány family, Körmend, but our guide also presents the valuable attractions of the smaller settlements. Cycling is also pleasant on bike-friendly roads and side roads with little traffic. The route of the recommended tours leads near the western border of Hungary, mostly in Vas, in a small part in Zala and Győr-Moson-Sopron counties, in the beautiful landscapes of the relatively untouched Őrség and Alpokalja, as well as on Kemeneshát and Kemenesalja.