Our loyalty programme

Our loyalty programme
Now you can get up to 20% discount on certain product groups!

In our shop you can join our Loyalty Programme.
Your in-person and online purchases are combined, so you can get permanent discounts on non-special offers.
To do this, you just need to let us know your intentions, so that we can add your name to the amount of your current purchases by recording the most important details (name, address, phone number), and thus get closer to the ever increasing permanent discounts.
In the case of promotional products, we will always take into account the higher discount.

BEGINNER  (0-300 000.- Ft)

Hardware* Softwear** Bikes*** E-Bikes****
Collecting period,no special discount available yet.

ADVANCED (300 001 - 600 000.- Ft)

Hardware* Softwear** Bikes*** E-Bikes****
5% 5% 5% aktuális akciós árak

EXPERT (600 001 - 1 200 000.- Ft)

Hardware* Softwear** Bikes*** E-Bikes****
10% 10% 6% 5%

SEMI PRO (1 200 001 - 2 400 000.-)

Hardware* Softwear** Bikes*** E-Bikes****
12% 15% 7% 6%

PROFESSIONAL (Over 2 400 000.-)

Hardware* Softwear** Bikes*** E-Bikes****
15% 20% 9% 7%


In case of Garmin and Suunto and Avabag (Ortovox avalanche equipments) and Tacx models:

EXPERT level 3%,

SEMI-PRO level 4%,

PROFESSIONAL level 5% maximum discount available!

Loyal customer discount: EXPERT level discount is available for those customers, who participed in any of our trips during the last two ski seasons.

Additional discount categories:

Bicycle racers, trainers and coaches, ski and snowboard racers: SEMI-PRO discount level for the sports season related products. (with a valid sports medical certificate or a valid license)

for Hajtás Pajtás couriers: ADVANCED discount level

Hungarian Bicycle Club members: ADVANCED discount level (showing the membership)

PCCC Club members: SEMI-PRO discount level

for winter equipment according to the classified categories within the system of foreign schools, and Ski trainers in the system of SMSZ, ISE:
• * SMSZ graduated ski and snowboard instructor: EXPERT discount level
• ** SMSZ graduated ski and snowboard instructor: SEMI-PRO discount level
• *** SMSZ graduated ski and snowboard instructor: PROFESSIONAL discount level

Loyal customer discount is not available for service and rental!

*Hardware: Winter season: Ski equipment, snowboard equipment, protectors, tools, etc.
Summer season: Bicycle spares and accessories, protectors, tools

**Softwear: Full clothing

***Bicycles: Analog powered normal bicycles, for which the +3% mark can be bought at the current price of the bike

****E-Bikes: Electric powered, electric assisted bikes, for which the +3% mark can be bought at the current price of the bike

The new discount system above is available from the 10th of September, 2021 until cancellation. We reserve the right to make changes. Discounts cannot be combined, the higher discount is available in all cases!

General Information:
About us:
1036 Budapest Pacsirtamező u.16.
Mo-Fr:10-19h Sa:10-16h Su:Closed
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