How to choose an e-bike when looking for a bike

How to choose an e-bike when looking for a bike
At European level, e-bikes already account for a larger share of bicycle sales, the main development directions of the bicycle industry are also related to this category, and there are many questions about electric assisted bicycles in the bicycle business.

The e-bike in 2024:

Let us briefly clarify that in our terminology today, e-bikes mean torque-sensing pedelec bicycles. In other words, let's forget all those outdated two (or more) wheels that Aunt Gizi might be looking for to go to traffic, on which the electric motor comes to life at the push of a button and the purpose of use is only for transportation. Don't get me wrong, there is a demand for these devices, we don't want to make them stand out in a negative light, but you have to look for them in the household store, not among the other bikes. On the other hand, torque-sensing e-bikes can be used as bicycles, in fact we should not separate them from their traditional counterparts.
The difference is that, thanks to the electric assistance, we get a little "superpower" while riding, especially when we need it. In torque-sensing pedelec bicycles, the electric motor can only work while cycling (up to 25 km/h, with a maximum nominal power of 250 Watt) and, depending on the selected mode, it helps just as much as we want. If we choose the operating mode or customize the assistance, we won't even notice the little extra power. We can summarize the essence even more briefly by saying that in the saddle of an e-bike, we ride not as we can, but as we want. And this experience can be experienced in all bicycle categories known so far, be it touring, cross, city, mountain, road, or gravel bikes.

Who should choose an e-bike?

We have already partially answered the question in the above paragraph and we can say that we recommend it to almost everyone. It's easier to list who it's not for... We don't recommend it to those who, for reasons of principle, want to drive the bike 100% under their own power. It is not worth persuading them, the decision must be respected. We recommend it less to those who ride almost exclusively on flat terrain, since most of us are comfortably capable of a speed of around 20 km/h or more on flat terrain, the electric assistance is more useful on uphills. Also, it is not sure that it is the right choice for those who carry a lot of bikes with them in traffic, in and out of stairwells, up and down the city, because e-bikes are heavy, it is uncomfortable to carry them up the stairs, for example. However, everyone else can enjoy the benefits of intelligent electric assistance, if they are willing to dig deeper into their wallets. Unfortunately, the purchase price of modern e-bikes is very high compared to average Hungarian incomes.

Examples when a pedelec can be very useful:

In transport, in addition to the fact that the climbs can be easily overcome, it is not the last aspect that we can remain "salon-worthy", i.e. we don't sweat through our work clothes if we don't want to, and even in the heat of the day, thanks to the wind, it feels more comfortable to ride like this than walking.
A pedelec is also the most suitable for pleasure cycling on terrain, between big mountains. If someone enjoys slopes and good riding rather than maximum heart rate, there is no question that a pedelec mountain bike is the best way to ride on serious terrain. If we save a little on the battery, we can be sure that we will spend more time exercising in the forest than with a traditional bike.
You can keep the recreation zones on any terrain, between any steep mountains, and in the meantime you can enjoy a much more stimulating recreation than, say, walking.
If we think about family cycling, the less fit family member in the saddle of a pedelec can easily follow the stronger one on any difficult climb, so there is no need to make compromises.
The above advantage is also true for friends or larger groups, one of the biggest advantages of the e-bike is that it evens out the balance of power even on a group tour, the group can ride together in a self-effacing, good mood.

Different pedelec categories

If we have decided that we need a pedelec bicycle, the next dilemma follows, because there are just as many types of e-bikes on the market as there are traditional bicycle categories.

Pedelecs can be grouped according to the drive, so the two main groups are mid-motor and hub-motor constructions. There are basic, middle and upper categories of both varieties, one is not "better" than the other.
There are several mid-engine solutions on the market, and even the largest manufacturers are mainly developing in this direction, not by chance. The mid-engine designs are perhaps the most reliable, they are also very simple in terms of operation, and their performance is usually higher than the mid-engine versions. In addition, this is the ideal arrangement from the point of view of the bicycle's weight distribution.

Brain motor constructions are increasingly rare in the city, tour and mountain bike categories, previously one of their advantages was the possibility of recharging. (A battery can only be recharged if the necessary energy is supplied by the rotating wheel.) Due to the extra weight and the more complicated system, the developers have given up on the possibility of recharging, and we don't even find such pedelecs very often. Nowadays, hub motor assist is used more on road bikes, for a simple reason: the system is relatively light compared to a similarly priced mid-engine, and the frame can remain more graceful. In other words, it's worth thinking about the brain motor for road riders who don't need huge extra power, and it's also important that the bike doesn't scream from afar that it has electric power assistance. A road pedelec, where a hub motor is used and the battery fits neatly into the frame, does not look very different from a traditional bicycle.

In terms of drive, it can generally be said that in most cases it is worth choosing a bike with a medium engine.
Pedelecs also differ in terms of the location of the battery. Nowadays, the hidden battery solution is not only sought in the more expensive models, when this element fits into the frame. This is indeed the most aesthetic arrangement, but it is worth paying attention to the fact that the battery can be easily removed from the bike, because, for example, after cleaning with a high-pressure washer, it is unfortunate if we cannot easily access the contact points for wiping. In winter, it can be a disadvantage if we cannot bring the battery into the apartment from an unheated garage.

In the place of the first water bottle holder, batteries protruding from the line of the frame are more typical of basic categories. However, they have no disadvantages, except that they take up space from a water bottle holder. Otherwise, they are easy to remove and practical.

We can also find pedelecs that can be equipped with an optional extra battery, for example instead of a water bottle holder. In this matter, we can easily make a logical decision if we know how we will use our future bike. The optional battery is extra for all manufacturers.

Similar to traditional bicycles, it is best to categorize pedelecs according to the area of use and find the model that suits you accordingly. So you can choose a city bike, touring bike, mountain bike, road bike or gravel bike with electric assistance.

Pedelec city bikes: City bikes with electric assistance are usually chosen by those whose main goal is to get around the city with the bike. Among the modern pedelec systems, even the simplest (cheapest) perfectly fulfills the functions we need in urban traffic: program modes of different strengths, a range of at least 60-70 kilometers with a single charge even when used on uphills, reliable long-term operation. An example is the Bosch Active Line series. Unfortunately, these are not cheap either, even the entry level is closer to HUF 1 million than HUF 500,000. When choosing, pay attention to whether it is equipped with the urban accessories you want: lighting, mudguards, trunk, support. Of course, you can increase the extra equipment, the design, and you can also think about a smart system, depending on your budget.

Touring pedelecs: Compared to urban e-bikes, you have to pay more attention to certain parameters, depending on how you plan to use the bike. For example, range is important. If we want to complete tours of more than 100 kilometers on asphalt (the same corresponds to roughly 60-70 km on off-road, forest roads) continuously, using the assistance in a stronger mode, we will need a more serious battery-operated system. Low-mid range pedelecs can already bleed here. With batteries with a capacity of 700 Wh or more, we won't get into much trouble. It should also be taken into account that possible heavy packages further increase the total weight of the already not light bicycle and the rider. For this reason, a higher engine power may be required. The more serious touring pedelecs already represent such a price category that the more famous manufacturers cannot afford to use poor quality parts, so it is not so worth picking out the specifications. In any case, make sure you have high-quality (preferably Shimano mid-range) disc brakes. If we are about to buy our first serious pedelec, we would not even think how important it is to equip a really good support, especially in the case of an e-bike that is sometimes packed with luggage. As an explanation, let's start calculating: the bike weighs 25 kg, plus 20 kg with a saddlebag - far from the same as a 14 kg cross/trekking, which can be supported by any support. Leaning a really heavy bike against a wall or other terrain is tricky. So let's pay close attention to this part. So if we are serious about touring, in this category we have to reach deeper into our pockets for a good bike, around HUF 1,000,000. If we think in terms of a smart system, this number climbs well over 1 million.

ATB - All Terrain Bike with electric assistance: In the case of pedelecs, the ATB category merges with the traditional cross trekking category. To put it better, they look like the electrically assisted equivalents of traditional cross bikes. Originally, cross bikes form a transition between touring bikes and mountain bikes, with less balloony, usually running-edge tires, the rolling resistance on asphalt is lower than in the case of a mountain bike, so they are faster. In the world of pedelecs, this small difference is amply compensated by electric assistance, so anyone who chooses cross trekking among the traditional categories should feel free to opt for an ATB with electric assistance. These resemble a hard-tail mountain bike, with similar balloon-shaped tires, but with a less aggressive pattern. It is more suitable for light off-road use, but it usually also includes the necessary accessories for hiking and city transport. The little extra weight is free, the electric motor solves the problem.

Mountain bikes with electric assistance: We distinguish just as many subcategories as traditional mountain bikes. We wouldn't even go through them item by item, but we would like to draw attention to an interesting point from the price point of view. Unfortunately, even light telescopic mountain bikes are very expensive these days. Carbon frame, high-end damping and other components, light carbon wheels and we are already over HUF 3 million. For the same price (or even a better price) you can buy a super full-size pedelec, because the weight that needs to be carried up the mountain is not so important here, the bike can be 25 kilos. In fact, it goes without saying that for those who do not have an athletic condition and whose goal is self-effacing cycling in the mountains on all terrains, we recommend a pedelec mountain bike in 2023 much more than a more expensive traditional monti. In addition, with the smart systems, we can customize the assistance so precisely that we will not even notice the assistance of the engine, it will be as if we were moving the bike ourselves all the time, only we would be stronger. For pedelec MTBs, regardless of category, it is worth choosing more balloony, so-called plus tires (2.4-2.6"), because even though they are heavier and have greater rolling resistance, they can be used with lower pressure, they have a larger surface in contact with the ground, and cornering stability will be much better. In this way, the descent will be not only safer, but also more enjoyable.

Road and gravel e-bikes: As in the case of their traditional counterparts, there is a fierce battle between the manufacturers of pedelec road bikes to see who can come up with a lighter and sportier bike. This does not always benefit the performance of other functions. At the same time, it is really in this category that the mass matters the most, since due to the 25 km/h limit, we ride the road pedelecs without assistance for a significant part of the cycling, since we can easily drive around 30 km/h even on flat surfaces. With country road e-bikes, of course, the electric motor plays a major role on steep climbs. It may therefore be important for the bike to be equipped with a system that has as little internal resistance as possible when rolling, if the assistance is not used.

The basic rule is to look for a road or gravel pedelec that you would feel good on even if the electric motor didn't come into operation. Beyond that, perhaps the most important thing is the range, so that we don't run out of energy, even if we want to cover distances well over 100 kilometers with bigger mountains. These are bikes designed for sports, so the role of smart systems will also increase.

Smart systems, such as the Bosch Smart System, were mentioned several times in the categories. Lately, these are starting to dominate from the mid-range upwards. "Smart" here covers several things. For example, they can be paired with a smartphone and the electric assistance system can be customized using an application. The method varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, but for the different operating modes, we can maximize the amount of assistance, or specify how delicately the system adds the extra Watts to the ride. On the smart (mostly touch screen) display, we can follow the watts we and the engine produce, and we can also read information obtained from added sensors. We can pair them with our own wattmeter, heart rate monitor, and our smartphone or our own computer can also take over the role of the display. Smart systems can be associated with components such as Shimano's new automatic shifting system or Bosch's anti-lock ABS system. In other words, the possibilities are limitless, and we are only at the beginning...

S-pedelecs - speeding with a bicycle: Many people ask why the electric motor "only" helps them up to 25 km/h. The answer is simple, this is how pedelecs are standardized. (In America, the same is 20 mph.) There is the so-called S-pedelec category, when the assistance already works up to 45 km/h, these are mainly found among city bikes, but they are subject to different rules in the KRESZ as well, they cannot be considered bicycles. Choosing an S-pedelec is also worth thinking about, because if you continuously ride it at its peak, the battery will drain much faster, and if you don't, the normal standard version will suffice. There are already chiptunings for standard pedelecs, which remove the 25 km/h restriction, but it is very important to know that their installation will void the warranty.

"E-bike from the e-bike shop" - Why?

In any case, we should only buy a pedelec bicycle from a reliable bicycle shop with good references. Operation is no more complicated for the user than a traditional bicycle, but they have to be taken to the specialist shop from time to time. The software must be updated (the software required for this is only available to trading partners), and the pedelec system also has service intervals, and error codes may appear, which can only be handled by the specialist shop. Even in case of replacement of parts (be it a small thing, such as the key needed to remove the battery), it may be necessary to contact the service. In addition to all of this, it is quite expensive to buy a second-hand or a new pedelec bike without proper papers, as we do not have access to the system. It can easily happen that the battery capacity of a relatively new e-bike has been drastically reduced due to improper operation, but other system errors can also occur. So we can pay dearly for the savings with e-bikes bought on hand.

In summary, how to choose a pedelec bike: Find out as thoroughly as possible, be clear about what you want to use the bike for. It is also worth participating in organized e-bike test events, because experiencing the experience is completely different than just talking about it. If you are sure of what you want, visit a reliable specialist shop that offers e-bike models from many brands, such as K2 Shop.

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